Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A month later

It seems like it has been a long month, though most of what is happening is not to us--upheaval of all sorts in many parts of the world. Here, Emily has happily joined the ranks of the myopic...she has been waiting for years for the coming-of-age that getting glasses seems to represent for her. Or the joining the family, or something--she felt left out being the only one without glasses. Now she is not different any more, and seems to be adapting well to wearing her glasses most of the time, though she doesn't really need them all that much...

We enjoyed visiting with Carleen and Bob Franz, from Lawrence, over the last week or so--Carleen was here visiting a friend in Taupo, and then Bob joined her and they came her for a couple of days, during which she graciously taught one of my classes and talked with some people at Emily's school about learning disabilities--maybe sowing some seeds to come back and do more exploring.

Charlie and I have been enjoying morning walks in the part, but the dawn comes later and later every day, and is encroaching on the time I need to prod Emily into getting ready for school. Our time has not changed yet, but will in a couple of weeks. The weather is still lovely, though--almost like Fall sometimes, then slipping back to summer. I was corrected in the tea room, though, for calling it Fall. Autumn.

I have been trying to fathom structural equation modeling, which I think was not really invented yet when I took statistics. The good news is that I am starting to putter around in some data that has been sitting here for nine months, waiting expectantly(maybe appropriately, being as it is about pregnancy). But there is always more to know, more to learn, more to do.