Saturday, June 23, 2007

But where do i park? and will the rain stop

next door, completely on the lawn. across the street, the right side wheels on the lawn, the left on the street. And yes, it really rains hard at night, with no thunder or lightning, and without the 80 + mph winds they are having on the south island. We bought a used Honda minivan, called a people mover or MultiPurposeVan here, yesterday - 2000 is its year of birth, like Emily's and it came to New Zealand in 2004 - four doors that open and lose (the rear ones don't slide), gold, with a screen next to the speedometer that periodically flashes a message in Japanese - in Japan it could also serve as a tv! Emily is now enrolled in school and starts Monday. We signed up for cell phones but don't have them yet. We are going shopping at Farmer's, a department store (there is a Woolworth's in town but it is a grocery store). We are dooing o.k. Carrie's Universi;ty has a health club I will join and next week I will see a physical therapist. So long for now!

1 comment:

Liz in the Mist said...

I am really enjoying reading this and am so glad there is a way to hear how things are going for you guys!