Monday, June 25, 2007

Emily's first school day (by Manford)

Emily had her first day of school prior to a two week break starting next week. She heard a lot of stories, and made some new friends, but did not "learn very much." The staff was very friendly - and the children a little shy at first with me but then ok. We got Joseph registered for high school (about 1300 to 1500 students - a big change from a total of less than 300 at Topeka Collegiate). We met with the dean (whoalso teaches science) a friendly man seemingly well liked by the students. I missed much of the details, as had to walk about a block to pick up Emily - I do know he will get uniforms and texts tomorrow - a little overwhelming. Carrie and visited her school - staff warmly welcoming and she starts teaching the second week in July - more on that later. She has a "flash" (cool, neat) flat screen monitor for her office computer. In her mail were two New Yorkers - so that change of address worked. We got two cell phones (one for me, one for Joseph) and Carrie's should arrive by post tomorrow. Calling cards are by far the cheapest way to call the states - about 2 cents/minute, so who knows some early morning when you are sound asleep and I screw up on the time difference between here and there you may hear my dulcet tones if you answer the phone, but probably not. Haere ra (maori for goodbye) for nowl


SueWine said...

But how does one pronounce "Haere ra"?

And did the rain stop?

And this really isn't a comment, I should probably email if I want to ask annoying questions.

Liz in the Mist said...

I think we should form a Quaker Committee on my mother's questions. ;)

Hope all is well and glad to hear things are sounding like you guys are getting settled!

Ross said...

You might look into Skype for family - Skype to Skype calls are free. I know you want more options!

Unknown said...

The first thing Joseph needs to learn is the proper haka :)

Oh, and that academic stuff, too...

I am on Skype now too, and will try and use it on my trip to Czech-land next week!