Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sunday greetings from Manford

We had a lovely sunrise this morning - gold clouds - after a rainy yesterday. We got a transformer and tv for Joseph and by golly his X-Box 360 works! We relooked at a couple of houses - and a new one yesterday. The new one very nice two story with a huge store room off the garage, a lovely garden and yard and landscaping and a rumpus room downstairs and up the remaining living space - three bedrooms (one en suite - bathroom attached that means), an fairly good sized study, kitchen, large living dining are - very nice but asking 580,000 Ne, w Zealand dollars and the surrounding neighborhood not so nice as it, so no for us. There is another, single level house with a large family room and a smaller living room and a scruffier yard more to my liking, three bedrooms two baths we are thinking more about - within walking distance of the kids school and not so costly. The last look was a swell house with wood floors and high ceilings and just great but farther from school and work so probably not a go, either - and asking in the 500s for it, too. Joseph's tv only cost 168.00 NZ dollars American equivalent around 124, not too bad. Washers and dryers and fridges cost between 800 and 1200 NZ dollars. We bought half a cheesecake for Joseph's half birthday yesterday. This is a pretty disorganized blog. Will try for more style tomorrow.

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