Friday, August 31, 2007

Destruction and rebirth...

I stopped by the house on Tuesday this week, and couldn't stand to stay...guys--blokes--were crawling all over with chain saws, cutting down trees and parts of trees. My pretty bush with the purple flowers (it's actually just cut back--to the ground--and will come again), the grapefruit tree (neither Manford nor I can eat grapefruits, because of cholesterol meds, and the kids are not likely to; we will plant a lime, or lemon, maybe), and dozens of other bushes, trees, and plants condemned by Mark, the yard guy. I agreed to this. He seemed to know what he was doing. He said this one causes hay fever, that one is invasive, that one has been poorly trimmed for years and is beyond home, that's just ugly...but I still couldn't stand to watch. By Wednesday afternoon I had to agree it looked better, less chaotic, still green. I will go over today (Friday) and see, because Manford says it looks good. Then they're going to plant a bunch of things, mostly native things. And we get to plant some, too. We have a big area for vegetable and herb garden. They did save the pretty, fragrant flowers near the kitchen door. I've been walking around campus and getting inspiration from the flowers and ferns here--they say it's barely spring, but there are flowers everywhere, including familiar daffodils and lots of unfamiliar sorts. There are redwoods on campus, and they must like it here, as the whole campus has only been here 40 years and they are huge. Maybe we will plant a redwood in place of the grapefruit and remind me of home.

We got a sofa that turns into a bed, and it is even comfortable (for one. if two come, they get Joseph's bed, which is the biggest in the house, and he sleeps in the family room). We got a coffee table. Our bed and Emily's bed came. There is hardwood (rimu, and native, very pretty, wood) under the kitchen linoleum, and apparently all over; we had a floor guy come yesterday, and will probably refinish it in the kitchen and dining room, for now, and expand that as the carpets wear out...

We all just want to live in the house, and it will be only another three weeks or so and we should be in there full time. I am hoping to make real progress on the boxes this weekend, once we get some of the closets in order so we can put stuff in there. I got my books in my office, and that feels good. Still haven't found my mug, though...


1 comment:

Liz in the Mist said...

Congrats on the new house!!