Friday, December 21, 2007


Yesterday, here (which is today, there, or something) we had our six month anniversary here, which we celebrated with a cheesecake (I believe it was called a Mississippi cheesecake, for some reason). I suppose we should have had half a cheesecake (which you can buy here), but I was also belatedly celebrating my half-birthday, so we got a whole one. It may take us all week to eat, as it is so rich none of us could finish our piece last night. There is no shortage of cakes here. Bakeries in every little shopping center, and two outlets of the Cheesecake Shoppe, which has all kinds of creations.

We also realized that it has been almost exactly a year since we came to visit--last year at this time we were stumbling around Hamilton, mixed up and jet lagged and trying to visit schools for Emily on their almost last day of school. It was colder and wetter last year than this, though we have had a bit of rain this week, for old time's sake. Emily had her last day of school yesterday, and seems happy and sad, since she did like school, but is also looking forward to summer and unbearably eager for Christmas. Joseph has been out for a week, hanging out on the computer and video games, with or without friends. He was going to go bike riding with a friend on Tuesday, but it rained, so they were forced to play games...

Charlie is settling in and getting bolder. She ate two candy canes sometime last night. She carried Emily's Cabbage Patch doll into the back yard, but didn't eat it. She is very sweet and playful. I think she misses being with other dogs, but will make do with us.

I think we've decided to have a turkey this Christmas, in spite of the heat generated by the oven. It is cool in the mornings, so maybe we'll have an early meal. Maybe next year we will be real Kiwis and do it on the Barbie. But we don't have a barbie yet. Perhaps they will be on sale after Christmas, and we will be capable of making a decision then. They range here, as in the US, from flimsy things to gleaming $2000 contraptions. What I want is one that is already put together.

We hear that New Zealand is Santa's first stop, and we expect we'll lighten his load a bit as he works his way toward colder climes...the helpers in the malls look hot in their traditional garb. You'd think he could leave his coat in the sleigh.

The university is closing up and battening down the hatches today--everyone is encouraged--well, required--to go home and not come back until at least January 3rd, when summer school starts. There is a Holiday Tea at 11, to which we are asked to bring a plate. I was thinking that this was interesting, possibly very green and all that, bring your own plate; then luckily I remembered that this means bring a plate with something on it. Pot luck. So I've brought a plate of cookies (biscuits). And then I will shut down the computer, gather the stash of gifts Santa has been storing behind the chair in my office, and GO HOME.



Jannis said...

I miss you.

Liz in the Mist said...

Miss you guys! Merry CHristmas to you!!!