Tuesday, December 11, 2007

potpourri or miscellany

Warmest holiday greetings from the Barbers in New Zealand, including Charlie who landed here last night. We had a good walk this morning except when any large vehicle came near for she seemed cowed by them. Carrie will no doubt have more to say about this and more about her as time goes by. It sounds like Topeka had some nasty ice and we hope that will clear up soon. I won't say too much about our beach trip this past weekend other than to note that Emily is an enthusiastic boogey boarder and that I was within about a yard from a pair of rays crusing along the ocean floor in about four feet deep water! Gave me a start - one being I think about 4 feet wide. Stories like the one in today's paper make me count my blessings - about a 4 year old with multiple complications from Crouzon's syndrome - currently with a shunt a tracheostomy and a feeding tube - poor thing. We bought a bread machine a while ago and have been enjoying good bread since while the children like it ok they prefer softer commercial stuff. Joseph won two chess games against a school in Auckland - the only one from his school to win both, so his team lost. He has established himself as a smartie making his mom and dad proud but still a challenge to get him up some mornings. He has a new video game - Assain's Creed - with just amazing graphics! My Parkinson's seems pretty stable now - using Sinamet and Requip. It is interesting how hot it feels here when the air temp is only 70 or so. Intense sun rays. There is a meditation group near by that meets on Friday evenings - I will go this week. Joseph's school ends this week with not much going on academically til Friday, and Emily has about two weeks. She has been in a drama camp and has her play tonight. Well I have bread to make, lawns to mow, floors to vacuum, clothes to wash and dry and some thinking to do so more later. We miss our friends and like our new ones and wish all who read this a safe, healthy and prosperous new year. Manford


Liz in the Mist said...

Glad to hear another update of your adventures and welcome to the Barber family Charlie!!

Jannis said...

we miss you too

Liz in the Mist said...

Thinking of Joseph today when I went to pick up Harry Potter and Order of Phoneix on DVD....