Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, Feb 9

The biggest news around here is that Joseph has started getting college acceptance letters--much sooner than I had expected! He got an e-mail (not surprisingly) from Digipen Institute last week, and got a packet in the mail today. And yesterday he got a very nice, personal letter from Earlham (making reference to Harry Potter, and Quaker camps) accepting him and offering two merit scholarships--one President's scholarship, and someone else' all adds up to less than a quarter of the total cost, but that isn't anything to sneeze at.

Four more to go, and he is to make a decision by the first of May. He is very much enjoying his summer, with lots of friends still around before they go off to various universities, mostly over the next couple of weeks. He has made spaghetti for a gang of them tonight, as they play some game that isn't quite Dungeons and Dragons, but like that.

Joseph got his full driver's license two weeks ago, just in time for Emily to start school, and for him to start picking her up from school, which is very helpful. Emily likes her new, young and energetic male teacher. She is in Year 8, the top of the school, with lots of emphasis on leadership and independence and setting a good example. In two weeks, they will go to school camp for a week, and hers involves going on the Tongariro Crossing--supposed to be the best one-day tramp in New Zealand, some 12 kilometers over a mountain...I'm just as glad someone else gets to coax her onward...

Hiccup and Charlie are still getting along swimmingly. Hiccup starts adolescent puppy class in two weeks. He is still the cutest thing on four legs.

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