Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tag Sale!

I have heard from several friends and neighbors that they are having our tag sale! So as we are buying stuff, people are buying our stuff, and it all goes around in a circle, and I'm not sure whether that's good or bad...but finally the house will be on the market, and another of our ties to the States will be untied. I'm not sure how I feel about that, realizing this week that perhaps part of the reason I have been feeling so confused and inept with respect to understanding Maori (and, to a lesser extent, broader New Zealand) culture is that I am so confused and ambivalent about my culture: what is it? am I allowed to value being an American, while being so uncomfortable with what America seems to represent in the world? And can I recognize that I do value many parts of my culture, when I've just left it, and to value it would be to let the sadness creep (or sweep) in? I used to think about the early 20th century poets (like Pound) who left America to hang out in Paris cafes, and I always identified with William Carlos Williams, who stayed in New Jersey and wrote about real life. And thought I could never leave the country, with all its foibles and diversity. But here I am, and I am not regretting it, just feeling the loss of people and roots.

Ah, well, today I am going to an all-day orientation at the university. I am sure that will be illuminating...the schedule includes hours on health and safety, occupational overuse syndrome, emergency preparedness, unions on campus (I already joined. I have my first official union card) and "finding your way around." That last should be useful. And they do have a break for morning tea (of course) and provide us lunch.

Yesterday was "mufti day" (I've no idea whether that is how you spell it), meaning that Joseph did not have to wear his uniform to school, though being 13, he didn't pick up on whenever this was announced. Luckily, he is still wearing Harry Potter shirts underneath, and could just strip off his sweater and school shirt (who needs to be warm) and he was cool.

I did finish the Harry Potter book. I liked it, thought I can't say I always enjoyed it, and I don't think I'll read it to Emily for quite a while. I'm hoping we can hold her off with the Chronicles of Narnia for a while. She is taking off with her own reading, though; yesterday she woke up early but was found in her bed, reading.

Kia Ora! (that means "be well" in Maori, and seems to be an all-purpose greeting and farewell)

1 comment:

shawn ashinhurst said...

oh goodness i just sent you a wonderful very long comment, i didnt set up a password first and it deleted it....shoot!!!!! i will do again later...think of you often carrie, tell kids hello! Shawn